• Natural nootropic cordial.
  • Powered by 12 botanical extracts.
  • Mood support.
  • Natural PMS balance & support.
  • Get up & go.
  • LIFE Vitality.
  • Gluten-free & Vegan-friendly.


Hey you ... SMILE! Happiness looks good on you!

Feed your SOUL full of sunshine!

Our mood sets the conditions for the whole day every day and has a great influence on our performance and overall well-being.

SOUL is a 100% natural mood supporting cordial. Powered by 12 natural plant extracts, SOUL aims to swiftly help encourage a positive mood, support & balance PMS symptoms, whilst also brightening your overall vitality!


Mood Support

Everyone gets the blues or feels anxious sometimes. These are very reasonable reactions to the ups and downs of our lives. However, if you are living with mood imbalances as your near-constant companion, you’ll want to take action. These imbalances can interfere with your daily routine, relationships, and energy levels. They can take a heavy toll on your sleep, appetite, and even your immune system.


Natural PMS Support & Balance

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can cause wild, emotional mood swings in some women. In one day we can go from an angry outburst to a crying spell, followed by an anxiety attack. Fortunately, treating PMS with natural plants can help women control mood changes and other emotional difficulties.


Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy that does not go away when you rest. Recharge your body’s batteries with powerhouse plants that boost your energy and get your body into high


Immune System

The main purpose of your immune system is to protect your body from viruses and bacteria. Without it, they’d have free reign and you’d be constantly falling ill. Your immune system works by recognising the difference between your body’s cells and alien cells, allowing it to destroy any that could be potentially harmful.

LIFE Vitality

Even a complete diet may not be giving you the nutrients you need when you need them. Support your diet, feel your best and SPRING into your best LIFE! 



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